Anita's & Claudia's Wedding

Date 15 May 2015
Location The Ferry House Inn, Harty Ferry Road, Harty, Kent, ME124BQ
  1. Gift List / Lista dei regali / Gschenksliste
  2. Photos & Videos / Foto e Video / Fotos & Videos
  3. Suppliers / Fornitori / Anbieter
  4. Wedding Music / Musica del Matrimonio / Hochzigsmusik
  5. Ceremony Script / Cerimonia / Zeremonie Skript
  6. Poem / Poesia
  7. Articles / Articoli / Artikel

1. Gift List / Lista dei regali / Gschenksliste

Hello friends and family,
We're lucky to already have a home to call our own, we are now looking to renovate it a bit here and there. We urgently need a new bathroom, a new back door and a garden fence. Anything extra will go towards painting and decorating the house. Here you have the chance to contribute to our dream home! Honeyfund

Ciao a tutti amici e famigliari,
Siamo fortunate ad avere già una casa che possiamo chiamare la nostra, stiamo ora cercando di rinnovarla un po' quà e là. Abbiamo urgente bisogno di un nuovo bagno, una nuova porta sul retro e un recinto per il giardino. Qualsiasi extra andrà verso la pittura e la decorazione della casa. Qui si ha la possibilità di contribuire alla nostra casa dei sogni! Honeyfund
Liebe Freunde und Familie ,
Wir sind so glückich, jetzt schon ein Zuhause , unseres eigenes nennen zu können. Jetzt müssen wir es nur noch hier und da ein bisschen renovieren. Wir brauchen dringend ein neues Badezimmer, eine neue Hintertür und einen neuen Gartenzaun . Was übrig bleibt wird für das Streichen und Dekorieren des Hauses verwendet. Hier habt ihr die Möglichkeit, unserem Traumhaus beizusteuern! Honeyfund

2. Photos & Videos / Foto e Video / Fotos & Videos

Professional wedding photos by Kerry Ann Duffy on OneDrive.

Photos taken by friends and family on Wedpics!
Wedding ID: AnitaClaudia

Save the Date Video by 2become1

Preview of our Wedding Video by 2become1

3. Suppliers / Fornitori / Anbieter

Our photographer on the day was the talented Kerry Ann Duffy

Our videographers of the day were the amazing Emanuela, Jessica and Vlad from 2become1

Make-up and hair were done by the lovely Emma Smisson

Our creative florist was Joanne Truby

Claudia's beautiful dress was made by the wonderful Federica Bruno
Anita's fancy suit came from the Butch Clothing Company 

The brides' rings were handmade by Doron Merav

Claudia's shoes were ordered from Roni Kantor
Anita's shoes' brand was M Zero

Claudia's earrings were custom ordered from insou jewelry 
Anita's cufflings were custom ordered from Beluga Home Studio

Claudia's present to Anita was tattooed by Sooz at 5th Dimension Tattoo & Piercing
Anita's present to Claudia was custom ordered from Stamped Memories by Mel

Our delicious vegan cake was baked by Kim Kalkowski at Vegan Victory Cakes
The caketopper was handmade by Mme Hibou

The decoration was purchased at The Wedding of my Dreams

4. Wedding Music / Musica del Matrimonio / Hochzigsmusik

“Walk In”
Mary Lambert - She keeps me warm 03:51

Full playlist: Our Wedding Songs 15.05.2015

“Register signing”
1. JP Cooper - The Only Reason 03:37
2. Ernie Halter - Angel 03:33
3. Cat Power - Sea of Love 02:18
4. Rogue Wave - Eyes 02:26
5. Bon Iver - Beach Baby 02:36

“Walk out”
The Lumineers - Ho Hey 02:41

"Before & after ceremony"
1. Ivan & Alyosha - Running for Cover 03:52
2. Kyle Andrews - You Always Make Me Smile 02:46
3. Vance Joy - Mess is Mine 03:44
4. Crystal Fighters - You & I 03:45
5. Mumford & Sons - I will wait 04:26
6. Of Monsters and Men - Mountain Sound 03:31
7. The Lumineers - Stubborn Love 04:39
8. Michael Kiwanuka - Bones 03:33
9. Mat Kearney - Hey Mama 03:08
10. Belle Histoire - Stay Awhile 03:11
11. Ben Howard - Only Love 03:52
12. Alt-J - Something Good 03:41
13. The Lumineers - Flowers in your hair 01:52
14. Of Monsters and Men - King and Lionheart 04:35
15. Bombay Bicycle Club - You Already Know 04:24
16. Ivan & Alyosha - Easy to Love 03:32
17. Alt-J - Matilda 03:48
18. Mumford & Sons - Lover of the light 05:14
19. Michael Kiwanuka - I'll get along 03:48

5. Ceremony Script / Cerimonia / Zeremonie Skript

  1. Entrance
  2. Welcome
  3. Introduction
  4. Lawful Impediment
  5. Ceremony Readings
  6. Personal Promises
  7. Marriage Vows
  8. Exchange of Rings
  9. Signing of the Register
  10. Presentation of Marriage Certificate
  11. Conclusion
“Ladies and gentlemen, would you please stand to welcome Anita Marea Ferraro, who is accompanied by her mother, Rosella Ciampoli.”
Then the “bridesmates” enter:
  1. Antonietta Mazzei & Giada D’Addazio
  2. Miryem Amno & Annalisa Gabriele
  3. Viktorija Novikova & Ilaria Catelli
  4. Stefan Riedweg & Eleonora Bracciale
“Ladies and gentlemen, please now welcome Claudia Frei, who is accompanied by her father, Hanspeter Frei.”
Would all the guests please be seated.
On behalf of Anita & Claudia I would like to welcome you all to The Ferry House Inn, which has been duly sanctioned according to law for the celebration of marriage.
My name is Jane and together with my colleague Maria it is our pleasure to be here with you all on this special day to conduct and register this ceremony.
You have been invited here today to celebrate with Anita & Claudia, to witness their marriage and the promises they will make to one another.
Marriage is a commitment to life in which people can find and bring out the best in each other. When two people promise to love and care for each other in marriage, they create a union to themselves, which binds them closer than any spoken or written word.
The legal declarations and wows that Anita & Claudia make today will join their lives and are based on the love they share.
Lawful Impediment
Anita and Claudia, before you are joined in marriage I have to remind you both of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make.
Marriage in this country is the union of two people, voluntarily entered into for life, to the exclusion of all others. But more than this, marriage is also intended to provide the love, friendship, help and comfort, that we all need in our lives.
If there is any person present who knows of a lawful impediment why Anita and Claudia may not be joined in matrimony, you should declare it now.
Ceremony Reading
Anita and Claudia will now ready their chosen ceremony reading.
Personal Promises
The promises you are about to exchange serve as a declaration of the love you have for each other. It is not just the words you speak today which will unite you, but the sense of love and devotion that you feel within your hearts. Agood partner in marrage will not ony be loving and caring but also a true friend.
Anita & Claudia are you both ready to make your commitment to each other?
“We are”
Anita do you take Claudia to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to be not only her wife but also her best friend, to be loving and faithful to her for the rest of your life?
Anita                     “I do”
Claudia do you take Anita to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to be not only her wife but also her best friend, to be loving and faithful to her for the rest of your life?
Claudia                 “I do”
Marriage Vows
I am going to ask you to declare your freedom to marry and then you will both exchange your marriage vows.
Please reply “I am” to the following question
Are you Anita free lawfully to marry Claudia?
Anita                     “I am”
Please reply “I am” to the following question
Are you Claudia free lawfully to marry Anita?
Claudia                 “I am”
The exchange of vows forms the heart of your ceremony. Having declared that you are free to marry, the time has now come for you to make your marriage vows. This is a very special moment because as you say these words, you will be joined in marriage.
Please repeat after me:
Anita                     I Anita take thee Claudia to be my wedded wife.
Claudia                 I Claudia take thee Anita to be my wedded wife.
Exchange of Rings
A wedding ring is an ancient and traditional way of sealing a marriage, as it is a circle with neither a beginning nor an end. It is an outwards sign to everyone of the promises you have both made here today.
Would Margrit Frei, the mother of Claudia, please step forward?
Anita please place the ring on the third finger of Claudia’s left hand and say after me:
Anita                     With this ring, I join my life with yours. All that I am, I give to you and all that I have I share with you. I promise to respect and cherish you and be faithful always.
Claudia                 With this ring, I join my life with yours. All that I am, I give to you and all that I have I share with you. I promise to respect and cherish you and be faithful always.
Signing of the Register
Anita & Claudia may you always be able to confide in each other, support each other’s hopes and dreams and laugh with one another. From this moment, you have created an understanding between the two of you that no-one can break.
We all hope that your love, trust and understanding of each other will continue to bring you both contentment and joy in your life together and remain constant through the years.
Anita & Claudia you have given your marriage vows and promises to each other in front of everyone here and it is my great pleasure to announce that you are now married.
Would you like to kiss each other?
Anita & Claudia together with their witnesses will now sign the register.
Presentation of Marriage Certificates
It is my pleasure to present you with your official marriage certificate. Congratulations and best wishes to you both.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is the end of the formal ceremony of marriage and it only remains for me to wish Anita & Claudia, on behalf of everyone here, a wonderful future and a happy married life together.
Would you all please stand to greet and welcome for the first time Mrs & Mrs Ferraro.

6. Poem / Poesia

Why Marriage, by Dena Acolatse
Because to the depths of me, I long to love one person,
With all my heart, my soul, my mind, my body…
Because I need a forever friend to trust with the intimacies of me,
Who won’t hold them against me,
Who loves me when I’m unlikable,
Who sees the small child in me, and
Who looks for the divine potential of me…
Because I need to cuddle in the warmth of the night
With someone who thanks the universe for me,
With someone I feel blessed to hold…
Because marriage means opportunity
To grow in love, in friendship…
Because marriage is a discipline
To be added to a list of achievements…
Because marriages do not fail, people fail
When they enter into marriage
Expecting another to make them whole…
Because, knowing this, I promise myself to take full responsibility
For my spiritual, mental and physical wholeness I create me,
I take half of the responsibility for my marriage
Together we create our marriage…
Because with this understanding
The possibilities are limitless.

Perché matrimonio, di Dena Acolatse
Perché nel mio profondo, ho voglia di amare una persona,
Con tutto il mio cuore, la mia anima, la mia mente, il mio corpo...
Perché ho bisogno di un'amica di cui possa fidarmi nel confidare le mie intimità,
Che non le userà contro di me,
Che mi ami quando sono antipatica,
Che veda la bambina piccola in me, e
Che cerchi il potenziale divino in me...
Perché ho bisogno di accoccolarmi nel calore della notte
Con qualcuna che ringrazi l'universo di avermi,
Con qualcuna che mi senta benedetta di tenere tra le mie braccia...
Perché il matrimonio significa opportunità
Per crescere in amore, in amicizia...
Perché il matrimonio è una disciplina
Da essere aggiunta ad un elenco di conquiste...

Perché i matrimoni non falliscono, le persone falliscono
Quando unendosi in matrimonio
Si aspettano che l'atlra le rendi complete...
Perché, sapendo questo, prometto a me stessa di prendere la piena responsabilità
Per la mia integrità spirituale, mentale e fisica da cui mi creo.
Mi assumo metà della responsabilità per il mio matrimonio,
Insieme creiamo il nostro matrimonio...
Perché con tale comprensione
Le possibilità sono infinite.

Warum Ehe, von Dena Acolatse
Da ich mich von tiefsten danach sehne, eine Person zu lieben
Von meinem ganzem Herzen, meiner Seele, meinem Geist, meinem Körper ...
Weil ich eine "für immer Freundin" brauche, der ich meine Intimitäten anvertrauen kann,
Die diese nicht gegen mich halten wird,
Die mich liebt, wenn ich unsympathisch bin,
Die das kleine Kind in mir sieht, und
Die nach dem göttlichen Potenzial in mir sucht...
Da ich, in der Wärme der Nacht kuscheln muss
Mit jemandem, die dem Universum für mich dankt,
Mit jemandem mit der ich mich gesegnet fühle sie zu halten...
Da die Ehe Gelegenheit bedeutet;
Um in der Liebe, und in der Freundschaft zu wachsen...
Da die Ehe eine Disziplin ist;
Die auf eine Liste von Errungenschaften hinzugefügt wird...

Weil Ehen nicht scheitern, Menschen scheitern
Wenn sie in die Ehe eingehen
Erwartet sie von dem Anderen sie zu ergänzen...
Da ich das weiss, verspreche ich mir selbst, die volle Verantwortung zu übernehmen
Ich kreiere mich, für meine spirituelle, geistige und körperliche Ganzheit
Ich übernehme die Hälfte der Verantwortung für meine Ehe
Gemeinsam erschaffen wir unsere Ehe...
Mit diesem Verständnis
Sind die Möglichkeiten grenzenlos.

7. Articles / Articoli / Artikel